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Our elections are so close that EVERY VOTE MATTERS! Vote Democrat! Bumper Sticker
Designed to get your brand right into the hands of your customer, these print-on-demand blank bumper stickers are a promotional staple. Use indoors or outdoors with total peace of mind as each printable bumper sticker is made with thick vinyl material that has been laminated for top-tier durability against water, sunlight, and scratches. .: Material:…
Designed to get your brand right into the hands of your customer, these print-on-demand blank bumper stickers are a promotional staple. Use indoors or outdoors with total peace of mind as each printable bumper sticker is made with thick vinyl material that has been laminated for top-tier durability against water, sunlight, and scratches.
.: Material: premium water-resistant vinyl
.: Waterproof sticky adhesive
.: Suitable for indoor and outdoor use
.: Easy peel backing
.: Matte finish
Weight | N/A |
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